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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
dining Hotel Athena Accomodatevi e lasciatevi coccolare, ora penseremo noi alle vostre Vacanze!!!
restaurants Ristorante Pizzeria Il Capriccio Per ogni esigenza e per ogni gusto...menù da cerimonia e le offerte del giorno!
restaurants Fe' Ristorante
restaurants Ristorante Battibecco
restaurants Crunch Ristorante
restaurants IL SOLE La Nuova Cucina grazie a LUIS MENA

Our History

Luis Mena always had the dream of coming to America andachieving the American dream. Luis arrived in the USA at the age of 17, full ofdreams and desire to work and be part of this country, a country where dreamscome true... America. He soon developed a passion for the art of food, flavors,and the culture of the restaurant world.

For several years, Luis was working for different restaurants, looking for a better future, but most importantly… looking for his passion. On one occasion, Luis had the opportunity to travel to Italy. On his trip he was able to learn more about the culture and art of Italian food, its wines and its essence in general, from the north of Italy to the south inSicily.

Luis Mena has always been a man of challenges and one ofthem was opening a restaurant of his own with his wonderful wife Claudia Menathat has been one of their dreams since they met. Their dream came true onSeptember of 2019 in Rancho Santa Margarita.

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