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00060 Sant'oreste (RM)

Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
Food & Wine Il Forno da Filippo
Food & Wine L'Entroterra Di Venturi Andrea Questa piccola bottega ha come scopo quello di recuperare le tradizioni dell'entroterra romagnolo e marchigiano valorizzando i prodotti locali e i piccoli produttori artigiani.

"Se cercate una mortadella straordinaria, un prosciutto come si deve ma soprattutto se cercate la verità nel vostro cartoccio questo è il posto giusto!" Vieni a trovarci!
pizzerias Little Brother

"På Little Brother er pizzadejen hjertet i køkkenet - den får kærlighed i 4 dage, inden den kan æltes færdig, kommer i stenovnen og bliver til tynde, bløde, smagsfulde pizzabunde, som her toppes med lækre kvalitets råvarer og serveres i restauranten eller som take away.

Når pizzaen tages med hjem, anbefales det, at forvarme ovnen og lade pizzaen få et minut inden den spises"

Teamet bag Little Brother


Authentic Pinsa Romana, delightful aperitifs, fresh coffee, and delicious bakery treats in a cosy atmosphere.

What is Pinsa?

Originating from ancient Rome, Pinsa Romana is a culinary masterpiece that combines history, tradition, and innovation. Crafted from a unique blend of wheat, rice, and soy flours, our Pinsa dough undergoes a meticulous fermentation process, resulting in a light, airy texture with a crispy exterior.

How is it Different from Pizza?

While pizza holds a special place in the hearts of many, Pinsa Romana offers a delightful departure from tradition. Here's how it stands apart:

-Dough Composition: Unlike traditional pizza dough, which is primarily made from wheat flour, Pinsa incorporates a blend of wheat, rice, and soy flours. This blend not only enhances flavor but also contributes to its distinctive lightness.
-Texture and Crust: The fermentation process of our Pinsa dough yields a texture that is incredibly light and airy, with a crispy yet tender crust. The result is a delightful eating experience that is unmatched by traditional pizza.
-Health Benefits: With its unique flour blend, Pinsa Romana offers a healthier alternative to traditional pizza. The inclusion of rice and soy flours adds nutritional value while creating a more easily digestible dough.

Food & Wine Hybla Srls la Nostra Mission è quella di portare sulla tavola del consumatore tre elementi essenziali:



Genuinità del Prodotto
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