Ristorante Buon Gusto Anthal 2
83413 Fridolfing

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ristoranti Luigi Ristorante
ristoranti Operacaffe

Restaurateur and esteemed chef, Patrizia Branchi, has been a part of award-winning restaurants and Italian cuisine since 1985, when she opened her first restaurant, L’Osteria Delle Tre Panche, in the heart of Florence, Italy.

After moving with her family to the states and getting acquainted with the city’s vast restaurant scene, Patrizia saw an opportunity to open her next culinary venture, where she could continue to share the award-winning recipes she’s spent her life perfecting.
a person with the arms crossed

Now at the helm of the Gaslamp’s popular Operacaffe, alongside her daughter, Kika, the two are fulfilling their lifelong dream of owning a successful restaurant in the United States, while doing what they love most.

Come see why this iconic Italian eatery has won the hearts of locals and visitors alike, and experience authentic Italian cuisine the way it was meant to be enjoyed – surrounded by family.

ristoranti Bistrot A Casa

Manuella e Patricia
Manuella e Patrícia sono un duo dinamico e appassionato della cucina brasiliana, che hanno portato un pezzetto del Brasile a Milano attraverso il loro ristorante, il Bistrot A Casa.

Originarie del Brasile, esse portano con sé non solo ricette deliziose, ma anche un profondo legame con le radici e le tradizioni culinarie del loro paese d'origine.

Con un team impegnato a offrire un servizio attento e coinvolgente, Manuella e Patrícia garantiscono che ogni visita al Bistrot A Casa sia un'esperienza memorabile e indimenticabile.