DeVita, a little bit of Napoli in Sydney

Whether you have been to Italy or not, you may already know that we take our cooking seriously!
The passion for food from the Napolitan region has been, in recent years influenced from many cultures, including French and Spanish. However, the story starts long before, these cultures with Etruscans, Greeks and Roman empires...
Through the years, most of the traditional dishes and recipes are often the creation of mothers and grandmothers rather than that of chefs, which makes many of the recipes ideally suited for home cooking.
Simplicity is the key, you don't need many ingriedients to make a tasty dish, you need them to be genuine, fresh and treat them gently as our grandmothers have tought us.
Pizza is the best example of something very simple in theory but extremely connected to the tradition, of the Napolitano people.
With the simplicity of the ingredients used, this allows us to offer the experience of Tastes of Napoli, to you here in Manly.
Our oven has been made in the heart of Napoli with ancient stones from the Amalfi coast, our multi-awarded Maestro di Pizziaioli is a fourth generation maker with experience spanning across his entire family and exposure to different Pizzeria's across Naples.
Our chef, Vincenzo De Vita, is a multi acclaimed professional, who has been working in Australia for many years, his experience has spanned from the Northern Beaches of Sydney to the Mid North Coast, cooking what he has learned in Italy and using the best ingredients this beautiful country offers.
We are True Napolitans, with a true heart and passion for cooking. This is really a little bit of Napoli here in Manly and we hope you will enjoy what we think is special, genuine and above all an experience that you will remember...

Buon Appetito

Rustic and simple is the way we feel about food and therefore is the way we wanted our restaurant to be. You will feel at home sitting at our tables and enjoying your time with us. And, if you want the chance to see what making a traditional pizza is all about, you can do it sitting at our "pizza-bar"! It's more or less the same thing as a japanese sushi bar where the sushi master will prepare specials right in front of you as he does them. This is what our expert pizzaiolo will do whilst you'll sit there and enjoy a glass of wine. It's also perfect for a quick lunch or dinner with friends!

  De Vita Tastes Of Napoli 8/2 Darley Rd
2095 Manly Nsw

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