Coffee Roaster

Busonero coffee roaster was initially established in italy 1961,then in 2008 moved to the UK due to meet its high demand,but mainly to save time and cost so it could pass these savings to the consumer.

As a coffee roaster we can observe and control the process from start to finish, from purchasing the raw green beans to roasting and packaging. Our range is from the ever popular espresso blend to the single origin 100 Arabica.

Coffee Machines
We import and recondition various espresso machines, mainly the Italian brands as they are renowed for their reliability and style.
We cater from domestic coffee machines to commercial for coffee shops, cafés and restaurants.
We carry out our own installation and servicing to make the process easier.

Services & Repairs

Espresso machine - Front end serviceCost From 150
It is advised that this service is to be carried out at least every 8-12 months. This is done on site, the service consists of:
•Replacing Group Head Seals, Group Head Gaskets, Group Head Shower Plates, Steam arm rubbers.
•Back Flushing Of The Group Head Itself.
•Basic training on how to clean & maintain the machine, if required.

•Advice on general condition of the machine and parts & recommend future replacement when necessary.
Espresso machine - Full machine serviceCost From 350
It is advised that this service is to be carried out at least every 12 months. This is done off site with a FREE working loan machine provided during the process ( approx. 5-7 days), this service consists of:
•Complete strip down of machine.
•Full Boiler Descaling Treatment.
•Replacing Group Head Seals, Group Head Gaskets, Steam Arm Seals, Water Valve Seals, Group Head Shower Plates, Worn rubber valves.
•Back Flushing Of The Group Head Itself.
•Scale Removal & Cleaning of Water Ports.
•Scale Removal & Cleaning of Internal Filters.
•Cleaning Coils /Descaling Solenoid & Probe.
•Drink Settings Re-Calibration.
•Basic training of staff on how to clean & maintain the machine, if required.
•Advice on condition of the machine and parts & recommend future replacements when necessary.

Espresso machine - Major overhaul serviceCost From 450
Recommended for any machine never serviced, or left some time between services, always recommended for second hand equipment, or older equipment. This is done off site with a FREE working loan machine /- grinder provided during the process ( approx. 10-14 days), this service consists of:
•Complete strip down of machine.
•Full Boiler Descaling Treatment.
•Replace Group Head Seals.
•Replace Group Head Gaskets.
•Replace Steam Arm Seals.
•Replace Water Valve Seals.
•Replace Group Head Shower Plates.
•Replace Boiler Pressure Safety Valve (Certified).
•Back Flushing Of The Group Head Itself.
•Adjust Grinder / Reset Drink Settings If Necessary.
•Scale Removal & Clean Water Ports.
•Replace Coils, Solenoid & Probe.
Basic training of staff on how to clean & maintain the machine, if required.
•Advice on condition of the machine and parts & recommend future replacements when necessary.

  Busonero Coffee Unit 14 Neptune Close
24 Medway City Estate
Gran Bretagna

Certifica la tua azienda. Richiedi ID anticontraffazione Certifica che la tua Azienda è in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’inserimento in Eccellenze Italiane e richiedere l’erogazione di un ID Anticontraffazione, che sarà impresso sul certificato e sulla vetrofania che provvederemo a consegnarti e potrai poi esporre al pubblico.
Segnala un’eccellenza Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
torrefazioni Torrefazione Artigianale Caffè Brasil

La nostra è una storia di passione, passione di famiglia.

Il marchio torrefazione Brasil rappresenta il costante lavoro della famiglia Massari da oltre 65 anni, il fondatore Iginio Massari dedicò passione per la crescita della torrefazione, trasmettendo alle nuove generazioni i valori fondamentali come la tradizione e la dedizione per il nostro mestiere.

Oggi come allora ci occupiamo del processo di lavorazione del caffè in tutte le sue fasi, dalla selezione dei migliori frutti all'estrazione di un eccellente espresso in tazzina.

La nostra mission è assicurare prodotti di eccellente costanza qualitativa e curare il nostro cliente offrendo un frequente servizio di assistenza e consegna del prodotto sempre fresco.

torrefazioni AMIGOS CAFFÈ Snc