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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
restaurants Taverna Re Manfredi
Food & Wine Agrobistrot

Punto di degustazione e di acquisto dei prodotti aziendali della Pantaleo Agricoltura

restaurants Peppo al Cosimato
restaurants PaStation

Savoring the
Artistry of Pasta, Delivered to You

Indulge in the rich flavors and exquisite craftsmanship of our freshly prepared pasta dishes, conveniently brought to your doorstep for a delightful dining experience.

Who we are

PaStation was born from the desire to change the format of Italian catering. Its objectives are quality and uniqueness , creating a “trait d’union” between the elements of food & beverage.


To offer lovers of Italian cuisine the opportunity to consume products from the authentic Italian tradition , combining techniques related to “Slow Food” and “Quick cooking”.

Food & Wine Kairos
restaurants Trattoria da Lina