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Trafila  (n.)


Italian word referring to the bronze dies used to extrude various shapes of pasta

La Trafila was founded by Jiselle & Luigi Speranza, a couple whose passion for cooking and creating brought them together from opposite sides of the world. They’ve combined their skills and experiences to become

a leading manufacturer of fresh pasta for homes and restaurants.

Luigi graduated from Roccaraso Culinary School before working in restaurants around Italy and Amsterdam. He moved to NY after several years of working as Head Chef at Incanto Restaurant. He started as a line cook at Sola Pasta Bar and worked his way up to his current position as Executive Chef of Sola Hospitality Group. His cooking has been featured on Live with Kelly and Ryan and he has consulted for various brands including Grano Padano and Urbani. He won third place in The 2019 Northeast Pasta Showdown, where 20 talented chefs competed in a 2 day pasta making challenge.

His favorite pasta to make is Parmesan and Truffle Stuffed Gnocchi

Jiselle received a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Media & Communications before attending The Institute of Culinary Education, where she graduated with a dual-certification in Culinary Arts and Culinary Management. She worked in the kitchen at Balthazar before accepting a job as a Recipe Tester & Developer for Time Inc. After several years, she began working as a freelance chef and food stylist. She has tested, developed and food styled recipes for various cookbooks, magazines and companies.

Her favorite pasta to make is Smoked Tagliolini

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Macelleria – Salumeria – Gastronomia

Siamo una piccola macelleria a conduzione famigliare.

Trattiamo esclusivamente: vitelle piemontesi, con una frollatura di almeno 15 giorni; carni bianche e suine locali, conigli nostrani di una piccola azienda agricola.

Si aggiungono cotechini, salsiccia di suino e bovina e un’ ampia scelta di salami di nostra produzione.

Inoltre, si propone una piccola scelta di formaggi locali e piatti di gastronomia.