The Eccellenze Italiane Editorial Board was created for this purpose and operates to give you your Certificate of Quality and your official Window Decal to be displayed to the public both at the branch (or in the branches, if you have more than one), or simply by purchasing your products.

How? With the Eccellenze Italiane anti-counterfeiting ID and Seal, freely printable on your packaging and on your official documents and advertising, make yourself known and appreciated throughout the world for what you really have to offer. The Eccellenze Italiane anti-counterfeiting ID protects your rights and that of consumers, ensuring direct traceability from the ID displayed on your Eccellenze Italiane web page, in which you can verify the effective compliance of your company.


You can use the form below to self-certify that your Company is in possession of the requirements for inclusion in Eccellenze Italiane and request the issue of an anti-counterfeiting ID, which will be imprinted on the certificate and the window decal that we will deliver to you and that you can then display to the public.


Entra nel cuore del Made in Italy con l’app di Eccellenze Italiane La nostra App ufficiale ti permette di entrare in contatto con i tesori offerti dalle realta’ della piccola-media imprenditoria italiana e trovare in qualsiasi momento, e da qualunque luogo tu ti connetta, tutte le Attività Certificate “Eccellenze Italiane” del territorio.
Eccellenze Italiane nel mondo Valorizzare i ristoranti italiani che all’estero garantiscono il rispetto degli standard di qualità del Made in Italy.
Contratto rateale Scarica il modulo di contratto rateale biennale di inserimento nel registro Ecellenze Italiane.
Segnalazioni Le segnalazioni, le recensioni, gli scontrini che riceviamo giornalmente in redazione
Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento.
Verify anti-counterfeiting ID validity Do you want to verify if a business possesses a valid anti-counterfeiting ID and if its products are truly Made in Italy? Enter the anti-counterfeiting ID here below and find out.