« Cinque Terre » est un petit coin d’Italie où la passion du bon produit rejoint celle du goût.

On y trouve une cuisine généreuse, issue de la tradition avec des plats typiques de toutes les régions d’Italie.

Le chef Sam, reconnu depuis des années dans la gastronomie italienne liégeoise, adapte sa carte pour vous surprendre avec de nouvelles saveurs, aiguisant votre appétit et stimulant votre bonne humeur. Le personnel à votre écoute vous accueille avec le sourir et vous fait voyager. CHacun trouvera son bonheur avec une carte variée et une sélection de vins italiens importés directement de petits producteurs.

En Italie, le digestif rime avec Grappa, pour lui faire honneur le « Cnque Terre » vous propose une large sélection de cette eau de vie aux multiples facettes.

Laissez-vous transporter… le Cinque Terre vous invite au voyage.

  CINQUE TERRE Rue De L Yser 327
4430 Ans

Certifica la tua azienda. Richiedi ID anticontraffazione Certifica che la tua Azienda è in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’inserimento in Eccellenze Italiane e richiedere l’erogazione di un ID Anticontraffazione, che sarà impresso sul certificato e sulla vetrofania che provvederemo a consegnarti e potrai poi esporre al pubblico.
Segnala un’eccellenza Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento

The Coach House Restaurant

Once a Coach house to the nearby Manor, this hidden restaurant tucked away in the grounds of the Garden Centre has an old world charm all of its own and has been a favourite for  discerning diners for nearly thirty years.

A wide choice of excellent dishes are on the menu with our produce fresh from the market daily. Our fine wine list complements the menu perfectly, and a special two-course menu is available at lunchtimes.

Ruxley Manor Garden Centre, within which lies The Coach House restaurant.

Way back in 1080, William the Conqueror gave the land at Rokesle, as it was then known, to his half-brother, Odo, Bishop of Baieux. He rented this out to a certain Malgerius who assumed the name Malgerius of Rokesdale. At that time, eight knights commanded by William were given the task of defending Dover Castle and Malgerius did his annual twenty-day stint.

To this day, you still enter Dover Castle through the Ruxley gate.

Down the ages, various families have occupied the Manor House. Gregory de Rokesdale became Lord Mayor of the City of London from 1274 to 1285, this being perpetuated in a tablet on the wall of Lloyds Bank in Lombard Street. The present house dates from the 17th Century with later additions, although some of the interior is probably 15th or 16th Century.

To the right of the house is a large Mulberry tree which goes back to between 1610AD and 1615AD, when it was decreed in James 1st time that all landowners should be encouraged to produce silk. However, silkworms only enjoyed white mulberries and, unfortunately, the blue variety was planted.

Today, the Manor House has been converted into a Children’s Day Nursery under the name of Grace’s, she being the last member of the family to live there.

ristoranti Ristorante Buono Giovane e tradizionale, da Buono puoi trascorrere una piacevole serata degustando favolose ricette regionali tipiche della cucina romana in un ambiente giovane e divertente.